So you think you have what it takes to run theater at camp? Good, because it takes a truly unique individual to handle all of the amazing opportunities camp has to offer!
- Summer camps are unlike any other place in the world. Young people learn and grow in the blink of an eye. Counselors are rewarded with smiles of appreciation from campers. Life-long friends are made and never forgotten. Laughter, song and pride fills the open air every single day. You get to play, question, grow, be artistic and creative, act like a kid again and leave the worries of the modern world behind for 8 short weeks. You leave wanting nothing but 8 more weeks!
- Sleep away camps have staff and campers from all over the world! Yes they come from as near as California to as far away as New Zealand. You have the opportunity to learn about their culture, their home, their language. Short of working for the United Nations, you won't find such an eclectic community quite like this.
- You get to spend your summer in the great outdoors! (Ahhhhh, I can smell the fresh air already) Biking, hiking, swimming, running, boating, fishing, volleyball, baseball, basketball and the largest game of dodge ball in your life. The list goes on and on. But don't forget about the in-camp activities: Talent shows, scavenger hunts, color wars, game shows, singing competitions. Many of which you get to lead.
No matter the role you find yourself in, there are great perks that everyone at mainstages can enjoy!
- Expand your network of professional educators, actors, directors and designers.
- Gain access to hundreds of games, lesson plans, show ideas, original scripts and professional development.
- Become a lead artist and help us expand with budding opportunities.
- Help lead the way in innovative education and making a difference in tomorrow's world.
Don't forget to read the important logistics required to work at mainstages.
Click here to see the awesome opportunities we have available!